Mining and Environment

The increasing levels of air pollution continues to raise concern and remains a significant environmental issue contributing to climate change, posing adverse effects on the health of the people and t...
As air pollution continues to be an issue of great concern across India, there is an urgent need to engage with various stakeholders to help mitigate the debilitating health hazard caused by air pollu...
Air pollution is a pressing issue with profound health, climate, and policy-making implications. In this episode of the G'nY Live podcast series, The Air We Fear, Professor Sagnik Dey, an eminent expe...
There are different types of mining depending upon the techniques employed in the extraction of minerals. Each type has a bearing on varying environmental concerns related to biodiversity, air, water...
Nearness to coal deposits has been advantageous to the industrial locations that have to transport the bulkier raw material to production sites. Such locational advantages are, however, losing their t...
Mining activities are responsible for adverse changes in land use pattern. Ecorestoration is, therefore, essential for bringing back the original characteristics of the land.
Coal has been the main source of energy in India and through increased coal production, coal is still fulfilling the energy demands of the country. The quality of coal has always remained a matter of...
There are different types of mining depending upon the techniques employed in the extraction of minerals. Each type has a bearing on varying environmental concerns related to biodiversity, air, water and land.
Nearness to coal deposits has been advantageous to the industrial locations that have to transport the bulkier raw material to production sites. Such locational advantages are, however, losing their tenacity in the present times.
Mining activities are responsible for adverse changes in land use pattern. Ecorestoration is, therefore, essential for bringing back the original characteristics of the land.